I’m going to talk about the kind of the beer from now on.
There are about nine beers in Octorverfest. There are various beers from strong beer to light beer.
At first, there are two kinds in beer. The beer which is fermented at a high temperature is called ale. It’s generally said that it is easy to make a fruity fragrance.
On the other hand, the beer which is fermented at a low temperature is called rugger.
Now, I’m going to introduce four most famous styles from these.
◇ Weizen
This beer taste fruity like a banana.
It’s easy to drink, people who weak in beer. It’s muddy and white color.
This beer is made in Bayern district around Munich.
This beer is a very dark color. The taste is slightly bitter, and hops and malt
bring out taste of the beer. When a glass empties, another beer is served unless you didn’t say [I don’t need it anymore!]
Speaking of which, “Alt” means old in Germany.
This is the most familiar to Japanese. Because most of the beer which drunken in Japan is like this style. The color is a beautiful gold and taste is clear. It is the fact that anyone accepts to be the style that spread all over not only Japan but also the world.
◇ MarzenThe beer which is served most in Octorverfest is this, Marzen! Merzen means March in German. The production was prohibited in old days due to the health during the summer. So the people had to produce the beer in March to get it ready for the fest. There is such a background so that Merzen is the most popular in the Octorverfest.